One thing that had surprised Tony since he and Michelle had gone into the private sector was the difficulty of adjusting to sleeping for eight consecutive hours. It was hard enough trying to get to bed at a regular time when they had gotten so used to eating dinner at ten, either being woken up about two hours later or, if they did get through the night, trying to eat breakfast, drink coffee, and beat traffic to get to CTU by seven, occasionally managing to fit in sex somewhere in the middle. Even during their divorce, with Tony deciding to wallow at all hours of the night, sometimes doing nothing but drinking beer after beer as he stared at TV static, he hadn't exactly had consistency. Since getting back together, they had attempted to find a sense of routine and stability, but each experienced bouts of insomnia. Michelle's morning sickness didn't help, either. Sometimes, one of them would go to their computer and start working, believing sleep to be futile. Then, the other would quietly follow to remind them that they weren't saving the world anymore and were allowed to just lie in bed with nothing to do.
Tonight, as Tony felt his eyes flutter shut about an hour after going to bed, making him finally hope that he would sleep well, the buzz of a phone jolted him awake. While this had been a regular occurrence during his CTU days and normally just meant another bomb threat, another politician had a credible threat to their life, or another intelligence packet required urgent action — something bad, in any case — Tony was very aware that receiving a call in the middle of the night as a civilian usually meant something bad and personal.
As he sat up and looked at his nightstand, he realised it wasn't his phone that was ringing. Michelle was already up and placed hers to her ear. When their eyes met, she seemed concerned, probably for the same reasons as him.
Her brow furrowed. "Neil?"
His eyebrows rose. That couldn't be right. Neil McCauley was in prison. Tony doubted this was a courtesy call from his prison cell. He wasn't quite sure how he felt about this. He didn't know McCauley all that well. But he did know that McCauley had abandoned his apparent principle of never getting attached to something he couldn't walk out on for Michelle. Furthermore, he hadn't seemed to resent Michelle for his demise. These facts meant that Tony couldn't immediately assume the worst. He couldn't really assume anything. How could he, when nothing he had read about McCauley conflated with experience? At the same time, he was a fugitive, so Tony wasn't about to invite him over for coffee.
"Wait, wait, are you sure?" Michelle said, and Tony decided to pay more attention rather than ruminate about the possibilities.
She then leaned over to her nightstand and switched on the lamp. When she quickly turned her head, she motioned with her free hand for him to write down what she was saying. He kept pen and paper in his bedside drawer out of habit from the days when whoever rang him from CTU brain-dumped about the case and expected him to have a course of action by the time he got there. Tony also noticed that the worry on Michelle's face seemed to increase with every second. She ran a hand through her hair and asked for details to be repeated for confirmation. He ended up writing down the number of a hangar at Van Nuys airport, the license plate of a green Camaro, and the description of a man apparently named Chris who would be driving said Camaro.
"Okay… okay… we'll see you soon."
When she hung up, she was breathing heavily, and her hands were shaking.
"We have to leave," Michelle said. "Now." Before he could ask why, she followed up with, "We're in danger."
"That was Neil. He said he's had someone keeping an eye on us. Half an hour ago, two people put a bomb under my car." She took a breath. "Neil said one of his crew members will pick us up in about fifteen minutes, then he'll take us to Van Nuys where he's waiting with a plane."
"Keeping an eye on us?"
"I don't like not knowing the full story either, but we need to start packing."
He sputtered. "What? We're just going to do what he says? He's an escaped felon and your ex. How do you know this isn't some trap to get you where he wants you?"
"He wouldn't hurt me, Tony. Even after what happened, I still believe that."
The conversation he had had with McCauley came to mind. Instead of being angry about the end of his almost twenty years of freedom, he had simply urged Tony not to lose Michelle and showed deep affection for her — more than Michelle would probably ever know. Tony supposed he lacked a counterargument here. His hesitance was really rooted in not having all the information and not knowing the man beyond his criminal record and apparent fondness for his wife.
"I want to check out what he's saying. If there's a bomb under your car, I'll believe it."
"Who's to say they aren't already watching the house? What if they see you and detonate it?"
That was a fair point. Still, was he about to go with this?
"I know this sounds crazy, but I do trust him. He might have lied about his job, but he never lied to me about anything else."
He validated Michelle's judgement, but he also knew that Michelle tended to see the good in people, almost to a fault. It wasn't that she was naive, but she still viewed the world with a level of humanity that Tony had long since lost.
"You were the reason he got arrested," Tony pointed out. "Maybe he was nice to you on that day because he was at CTU and didn't want to accrue more charges, but to ask you to go to the airport in the middle of the night after escaping prison… it feels off."
"Neil doesn't see it that way. He knows I'm why he got arrested, but he also knows I wasn't investigating him before that. He said he forgave me."
Tony furrowed his brow. He didn't remember that, but something else came to mind.
"Jack… I remember Jack saying it looked like you told him something right before you cuffed him. Something you knew wouldn't be picked up by the mics."
She wouldn't meet his gaze. "Neil told me he knew it was a setup but didn't hold it against me and that it was his own fault for not walking away when he realised who the smuggling job was for. He admitted he made a mistake, and he came clean afterwards. I… I apologised for what I was about to do. I told him there was a good chance of him getting a reduced sentence or pardon if he cooperated. And that's what happened. If he wanted to kill me, he would have done it then and there."
"Alright, I see your point," Tony said genuinely. "If you trust him, I do, too, but now I'm thinking about who could have put a bomb under your car."
"Yeah." She bit her lip. "Do you…" she lowered her voice, as though now paranoid someone was listening to their conversation, "do you think it's to do with Jack?"
That was the first thing that had come to his mind, too, especially given that the bomb had been planted so covertly that neither of them had woken. Although Chloe had done everything in her power to get Jack into hiding, hiding from the Chinese government was still no easy feat.
"If that's the case, then Chloe and Palmer might also be in danger," he pointed out.
Michelle pressed her lips together. "I don't want to risk tipping these people off, but I'll ask Neil for a burner or an encrypted line; I'm sure he'll have something we can use."
All they had wanted since leaving CTU was the assurance that looking over their shoulders and worrying about being in danger was behind them. If there was a credible threat to that, Tony felt compelled to take the help of whoever was offering. Hell, if McCauley had escaped prison without making headlines, he probably already had get-away plans and was simply offering to bring them along. That put things into perspective.
Tony started to think about where they might be going. A list of non-extradition countries came to mind, most being tropical paradises — which he certainly couldn't complain about. However, many of these places weren't exactly developed countries, and there was reason to be concerned about that. If McCauley couldn't guarantee decent medical care... that changed things. Tony was sure he and Michelle could figure this out on their own — although he wasn't sure if he wanted to.
"Any idea where we might be going?" he asked.
There was a beat before she answered. "I have the feeling it's Fiji."
"Doesn't Fiji extradite, though?"
She shrugged. Tony asked a few more questions about McCauley as they continued packing, trying to consider what was necessary without going over the top. Laptops were pointless; McCauley would probably have them dump computers and phones at the hangar. However, they had a few hard drives with important files and their own software that might be useful when they arrived.
Tony also thought of bringing their weapons. Michelle had two, both registered and in their safe. He had another two that he was technically meant to have disposed of after his arrest. But Jack had helped him keep them for his protection post-prison. He and Michelle had honestly contemplated getting rid of their guns altogether when they started planning for a family. They didn't want their kids near weapons or anything else to do with the past. However, the small yet significant chance of danger from CTU following them had ultimately led to keeping them. The compensation had been a new, more sophisticated safe with a biometric lock.
They became increasingly frantic as they checked and re-checked that the important things were with them, minding the time. Every time he looked at Michelle, she was progressively teary, the panic setting in for both of them.
"Hey," he said softly, placing his hand on her shoulder, using the other to wipe a tear from under her eye. "We're going to be okay." It didn't sound convincing, but it seemed to be enough for her because she gave a small nod.
It was quiet at this hour, so the noise of the car pulling up was rather loud. From the window, they verified the make, the license plate, and, once he stepped out, the driver's appearance. Tony's hyperawareness of the apparent bomb in Michelle's car made him opt to cut across the lawn. Chris came to meet them halfway, but the sound of muffled gunshots made Tony's remnant fatigue vanish. He recalled Michelle's postulation that the people who planted the bomb might still be watching. Tony just hoped they would try to shoot them rather than detonate the bomb to take them all out at once.
"Get down!" Chris yelled, taking cover behind his car and drawing his shotgun.
Tony, too, took cover, keeping Michelle behind him, telling her to use the luggage to shield her side. Luckily, he had decided to keep one gun on his person because he managed to shoot two of the four hostiles in the head while Chris took the others.
"Move, move!" Chris ordered, now helping them to get up and into the car with their suitcases.
As soon as Chris got in the driver's seat, he sped off, running over one of the hostiles in his path. Lights were coming on in the neighbouring houses. Cops would be crawling the place before they knew it. God, what had they gotten themselves into? At the same time, Tony really didn't want to think about what could have happened had Neil not called to warn them.
He looked over at Michelle. She was shaken but not hurt. Tony took her hand and squeezed it.
"Thanks for the help," Chris said with a hint of a smile.
From what Tony could see, there was something a little familiar about Chris. The memory felt recent. If McCauley had had someone keeping an eye on them…
"You're the one who's been watching us, aren't you?" Michelle asked, beating him to it. He hadn't caught sight of anybody following them, in person or by car, but had felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up in situations that did not require a fight-or-flight response. He had put it down as mentally adjusting to not being at CTU anymore, but this made a bit more sense.
Chris nodded, flashing a smile again. "I'm sorry if I creeped you out. I tried to keep my distance, but, well, you both still have your Fed instincts."
Tony realised he was still breathing heavily. His eyes kept flitting to Michelle, who hadn't let go of his hand.
"We'll be at the hangar in about fifteen minutes. Everything else is ready to go," Chris added assuringly. "Neil will answer all your questions when you get there."
He certainly hoped so. Part of him still wasn't quite ready to hop on a plane without knowing where they were going. But given that they had just narrowly escaped being killed, Tony was pretty happy to get as far away from California as possible.
Michelle believed that even if the drive from their home to the hangar took fifteen hours, she still wouldn't have gotten control of her breathing by the end of it. Everything had happened so fast. The call, packing their things, being shot at, and now preparing to leave the country without quite knowing the destination they would arrive at... it was a lot. She trusted Neil, but she couldn't blame Tony for being sceptical. If it was the other way around, she didn't think she would proceed without all the information, either.
When they arrived, she noticed many armed men standing around the plane. The roar of the engine did nothing for her nerves. Neil was near the stairs. She wondered how long he had been in prison for. Although his suit indicated he had been out long enough to get his things, the slightly haggard expression and weight loss made her believe he had still spent a significant amount of time incarcerated. It was hard not to be reminded of how Tony had looked after his release, that horrible hollowness in his eyes that still made her heart ache if she thought about it.
They got out of the car and walked towards Neil.
Neil looked between them. "You both alright?" he called.
"We were attacked on our way out," Chris explained. "But nobody got hurt."
"Do you have any idea who put the hit out on us?" Tony asked.
He shook his head. "My priority was warning you," he explained. "Do either of you know who might do this?"
She looked at Tony, biting her lip. Less was more when it came to intelligence sometimes. They didn't need to drag Neil further into this — especially not when he had just saved their lives.
"You don't have to talk about it," Neil then said, realising the answer to that question wasn't simple. He motioned with his hand for the two of them to move a little further from the plane so they didn't have to yell as much. "For now, you both have to make a choice. If you want to come with me to Fiji, I'll protect you. You'll have money and be taken care of. But if you would rather deal with this on the ground here, that's fine by me, too. I'm sure you're both more than capable of keeping yourselves safe. Either way, I'm getting on this plane in ten minutes."
So, she had been right to assume Fiji was his destination. Really, she wondered why he wasn't there already if he had escaped prison. The thought that he was willing to risk his own safety to offer them refuge made her feel very indebted to him. While fleeing the country felt like an extreme move, it at least came with the promise of protection. But trying to handle this on their own... even if they went to Bill, the government probably wouldn't be able to help them since they had, technically, brought this on themselves. Given they had already packed their things and fled their home, getting on this plane seemed like a no-brainer. But Tony's glance at her stomach reminded her there was another factor here.
"We're very grateful for what you're offering," Tony said, breaking the silence, "but Michelle is three months pregnant. I know you've promised to protect us, but what about doctors? What if we have to stay until after she's due?"
Neil's expression softened. "Congratulations to both of you," he said kindly but quickly took an assuring tone. "I have contacts in Auckland. I can get them to fly a doctor in or refer you to one already on the island."
It seemed he really had thought of everything. Really, to stay under the radar, he would need a lot of people at his disposal. In all honesty, every second they continued to stand on US soil terrified her. She feared that whoever had tried to attack them at the house could already be on their way to the hangar.
Michelle squeezed Tony's hand. "We'll come with you," she decided. "But I need to make one call before we ditch our cells."
Neil nodded. "I'll load your things. Chris can take your phones when you're done."
She and Tony thanked Neil again, then walked into a service closet in the hangar.
"Chloe?" he asked.
"Yeah," she confirmed. "I'll keep the call short in case they're tracking her phone, but I just can't shake the feeling it has to do with Jack."
Chloe picked up within a few rings, greeting her with sleep-induced grumpiness.
"Chloe, I need you to do two things for me," she started, hoping Chloe would recognise the urgency in her voice and not ask too many questions that would prolong the call. "You need to stay in your apartment and lock your doors. Do not get in your car. Then you need to call Bill and tell him there's a credible threat to David Palmer's life-"
"Wait, wait, slow down. What's going on?"
"Tony and I were attacked. We're safe, but we're going dark. I'm keeping the call under a minute in case."
"Do you..." her voice lowered like she wasn't sure if someone was listening in. "You don't think this has to do with Jack?"
"That's exactly what I think this is."
Chloe sounded at a loss for words. Tony tapped his watch. They couldn't risk it.
"Grab a gun and call Bill," Michelle summarised again. "I have to go. We'll contact you as soon as we can."
She hung up at fifty-nine seconds, pressing her lips together. She felt bad for scaring Chloe without much notice or context but prayed she would ultimately heed her request.
"She'll be okay," Tony assured as though reading her thoughts. "She might be a little startled, but she knows what to do, and we've given her more warning than she would have otherwise."
Michelle sighed. "I just hope this doesn't put Jack in danger, too."
"It might, but we have a better chance of helping him from afar than risking our own lives again," he pointed out.
Michelle nodded, the reminder making her not want to delay this further.
They gave their phones to Chris, who just decided to throw them on the ground and shoot them to render them untrackable. By the looks of it, only Neil and a few of his guards were coming with them. Neil led them up the stairs, and Michelle was pleasantly surprised at how spacious it was despite being a smaller plane. He clearly preferred to fly in style, and she couldn't complain. She and Tony sat in one pair of recliners. Tony got some gum from his pocket and passed a stick to her, making her smile a little. She always had to chew gum when she flew; the ear pain always triggered terrible headaches. Neil informed them the flight would be about twelve hours. It normally wouldn't take this long, but they had to avoid military airspace. Once they were in the air, Michelle let herself relax, reclining the seat slightly. Tony seemed content, too, but also seemed to keep watching Neil, who had gone to speak to the pilot.
"You alright?" Michelle asked quietly.
He nodded. "I'm just glad you're here with me," he said softly, turning in his seat to brush a hair from her face.
"Me, too," she whispered.
Both of them still seemed emotional, and understandably so. She wasn't sure if she should consider themselves unlucky for having so many near-death experiences or lucky for having escaped them all. Sure, some of it had come with the territory of being Feds, but it didn't make it any less horrible to have gone through.
Neil came back in and sat down. "If you want to get some sleep, I can dim the lights," he offered, but she shook her head. Maybe after a few hours, but she was still too full of adrenaline right now to even think about sleep. She had questions. Tony did, too. But she didn't quite know where to start. "I should, uh, probably address the elephant in the room," Neil then said, laughing through his nose. "I broke out of prison about a month ago. I didn't want to draw too much attention at once, so I spaced out my movements. I had Chris keep an eye on you, then when he sent me photos of guys putting a block of C4 on your car, I told him to go get you."
There was, of course, the question of his motives in watching the two of them. She had to believe it was out of care but also recognised the bias of her perspective. Judging by Tony's face, he seemed a little conflicted about it, but Michelle doubted he would complain when Neil's stalking had saved their lives.
"Thank you for taking the risk to get us," Michelle said. "You didn't have to do this, but…"
He shook his head. "None of that. It was worth it to keep you safe." Neil seemed to emphasise that it was about keeping both of them safe, and not just her, with Tony by extension. She remembered Tony mentioning how Neil had spoken highly of her, even as Hanna dragged him away in handcuffs. She would be naive to assume that Neil no longer harboured feelings for her. However, he clearly respected her and Tony's relationship. She hoped Tony realised that, too, but they would likely have to talk about it once they got another moment alone.
After some lighter chatter — somehow, Neil managed to segue into baseball without feeling awkward or forced, and that perked Tony's spirits a little — Michelle found herself dozing off, the promise of sunshine and safety when she woke giving her solace.
Tony hoped he would have a more solid opinion of their situation by the time they landed, but he didn't. Despite their initially casual conversation about baseball, things had soon become silent. There wasn't much need for small talk when it seemed Neil was pretty reserved, and Tony knew the gist of his life from the Marwan attacks and what Michelle had told him. It also went the other way around: Neil likely knew what he needed to know about him and Michelle, so why bother with frivolous questions? While the luxurious nature of the plane enabled him to relax a little, his mind was still overactive, watching Neil closely, still wondering if there was more to him. He didn't think this was a trap or that they were unsafe. But he was more than a little aware that Neil probably wouldn't have risked so much for him and Michelle if Neil didn't have latent feelings for her. Tony knew he had a tendency for jealousy; he always had. It wasn't rooted in possessiveness or the idea that Michelle was his, but more in that part of how he expressed his love for people was protecting them, so anybody trying to fill that role on his behalf or anybody with uncertain intentions set off alarm bells. A part of him — probably stress-induced paranoia — wondered whether Neil would make him 'disappear' in some kind of accident so Michelle would be none the wiser. He wished he had his computer to review Neil's file again. But he didn't, so he would just have to go with his gut without letting adrenaline and anxiety take over. He reminded himself that he trusted Michelle's judgement, so if she trusted Neil, there was no reason he shouldn't.
He looked beside him to find Michelle's head resting on his shoulder. His lips pursed as he noticed she still looked quite pale. She had gotten up a few times to throw up due to the unfortunate combination of morning sickness and turbulence. Neil had managed to make her ginger tea using the urn of hot water and fresh ginger that was kept onboard for making cocktails. Tony was pretty sure that was what triggered his jealousy — which, in hindsight, seemed pretty childish. He wondered if this was how Michelle had felt when she watched him interrogate Nina, the tension of wondering what she might do or say next. However, Tony was confident in his belief that Neil was not Nina.
Michelle had been in and out of sleep but seemed to wake completely as the plane landed. She leaned on him as they walked down the stairs. Although the sunshine and breeze were certainly pleasant, bright light when she was already queasy always made her feel worse.
Neil was looking at her with concern, too. "The fresh air will do you good," he commiserated, leading them to a white Jeep. "My place is about an hour away. Everything should be ready to go."
Tony nodded, helping Michelle into the backseat and opening the window. There were two cold bottles of water. Neil didn't skip a detail, it seemed. As Neil drove off, Tony had to admit the island was nothing to complain about. The crisp, salty air, the impossibly blue skies and ocean, the lush greenery... it made beaches in California pale in comparison. They soon escaped the touristy parts of the island, the noise of planes landing and people talking fading with distance. While part of him liked the idea of peace, another saw it as a reminder that they were hiding out with a fugitive. When they made it back to Los Angeles — he refused to acknowledge the possibility that they would be hiding here forever; it scared him too much — he hoped Bill or whoever was there to help them didn't do it on the condition that Neil was brought in. Tony didn't see him as an active threat to society. Admittedly, his own imprisonment had made him more sympathetic to criminals than he used to be, but he didn't want to stab the man who had saved their lives in the back. He didn't think Michelle would want to, either, even if she had a bit more respect for the law than he did.
The house was secluded amongst the palm trees and right by what looked like a private beach. It was elevated, too, with a lot of windows. While the modernness of the architecture made it quite noticeable, the guards standing sentry around it gave Tony comfort. They were safe. They were here, and they were safe.
"Breakfast should be ready soon," Neil informed them. "I'll show you to your room first so you can freshen up and unpack a little. I've got burner phones for you as well if you need to make another call."
Tony thanked him and woke Michelle up. She looked a little better than before, but they definitely could do with some food.
Unsurprisingly, the house's interior was as luxurious as the exterior. The bed was huge and had the scent of fresh linen. The shower had about fifty buttons and jets and was adjacent to an equally ridiculously-sized bathtub. But even as they settled in, Tony couldn't release his tension. His eyes scanned for bugs or hidden cameras. He found himself checking every nook and cranny, knowing he was being ridiculous but persisting nonetheless.
"Tony?" Michelle's hand came to his shoulder, making him turn. "I'm ready. Do you want to go eat something now?"
"Yeah," he agreed.
He went towards the door, but Michelle must have seen through his false smile because she moved both of her hands to cup his face. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he lied.
She laughed through her nose. "You opened and closed that drawer about five times," she pointed out.
He sighed. "I'm just- I'm still a little on edge, alright?"
To his relief, she didn't react with offence or jump to pointing out that he was paranoid. She simply hummed in assent, pulling him in for a hug. "I know it's a lot. It's insane, really. But we're safer here than we were back home, and right now, that's enough for me."
Tony squeezed her back, reminding himself she was here with him and trying his best to believe her words.
They came downstairs to find a hotel-style buffet of about every breakfast food he could think of. Michelle couldn't eat much, apologising that her nausea usually meant she couldn't keep anything down other than toast and black tea or coffee. Neil told her it wasn't a problem and actually got up to make her some fresh toast since the toast that was there had gone a little cold. It was another kind gesture but only heightened his existing nerves. Michelle must have noticed because she gave him a subtle glare that came with the promise of a follow-up conversation.
They thanked Neil for breakfast and returned to unpack a few more of their things. Michelle said nothing at first, but when he hung the last of his shirts, he found her sitting on the bed with a worried but slightly annoyed look.
"What's with you?"
"I told you before I was-"
"I know you're stressed, but death-staring Neil because he made me toast is something else. Are you seriously getting jealous?"
He huffed, trying to keep his voice low since the open-plan nature of the house meant conversations in one room were probably audible in another, even with the door shut. "I just- it's a little uncomfortable for me, alright? You wouldn't like it if it was the other way around."
Michelle folded her arms. "Tony, I didn't love him then, and I don't love him now. I love you." She held up her left hand. "I married you twice. Do I care about Neil? Yes. Am I grateful to him for saving our lives and trying to show that? Yes. But you don't need to worry about me running off into the sunset with him and leaving you behind. I can't- I can't believe you'd even think that of me."
"It's not you that I'm distrustful of; it's him," he was quick to clarify.
"Tony, if he wanted you dead — which he doesn't — he would have killed you already."
"But he wouldn't do it so obviously. This guy has had this Fiji plan mapped out for God knows how long. What if he, I don't know, has some scheme to get me alone so I can mysteriously disappear and be out of the picture?" As he finished speaking, he realised how ridiculous he sounded. Michelle looked at him, both unimpressed and a little amused. Still, she seemed patient and understanding, motioning for him to sit.
She cupped his face as before. "I recognise that I know and trust Neil more than you do, and that makes sense. You met him under pretty incriminating circumstances. You have no reason to believe he's trustworthy after he lied about his job, and you want to protect me — especially given that we're already running for our lives. Maybe… maybe you just need to get to know him better, with or without me there, for everyone's sake. If we're going to be here indefinitely, I don't want us to be like this. We're in our own little paradise and away from danger and responsibilities. Why can't we just enjoy it?"
As always, she knew him too well. He should put the effort in and be a little more grateful, irrespective of his lingering fear. They could do this.
"You're right," he agreed, bringing one of his hands to cover one of hers. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," she assured. "I was just worried about you. Even though the worst of it is hopefully over, it makes sense that you're still on high alert. It's..." She gave a vague shrug. "It's what we've been trained to do for over a decade: see every situation with a lens for danger and never trust anybody. I don't see us ever letting go of that completely — and we shouldn't, especially not after an attempt on our life — but I do think we can find a way to dial it back, just a little, with time. Otherwise, we're going to drive ourselves crazy."
He took a moment to absorb her words and let them calm him before the corners of his lips upturned. "If our marriage counsellor was here, I think he'd be pretty happy with this."
She smiled. "I agree. But you know what I really think we need?" Michelle tugged him by the arm and dragged him to the bathroom window. "To actually appreciate the paradise we have in front of us right now."
As Tony looked out at the endless ocean, he certainly couldn't argue with that.
She really was too good to him. Not only had she been so understanding about his scepticism, but she had also put on that bikini that always made it impossible for him to keep his hands off her. It had taken them a good ten minutes just to get out of their room, too tempted by the idea of laying her down and kissing every inch of her body, making sure she knew how much he liked seeing her in it.
Now, they were both lying in beach chairs under a broad parasol. The slight bump of Michelle's stomach beneath her kaftan made him even happier. Neil was a little further over, although he had been getting up and down to answer his phone. Tony imagined many moving parts were required to make this work, and Neil seemed like the kind of person who liked to keep things in order.
He hung up and came back over towards them. "That was Doctor Banks, the obstetrician. She's flying in tonight, so she can look at you in the morning."
"Thanks," Michelle said. They had also gotten the news before that Chloe was alive and well and that David Palmer had narrowly missed an assassination attempt thanks to her intel. Jack had managed to stay in hiding, too. It was getting easier and easier to relax.
"You're welcome." Neil then turned to look at him. "I've got a few other doctors on the island if you need anything, too. Just let me know."
Now that Tony wasn't so hypervigilant, he could appreciate how much Neil was taking care of both of them. He knew he should probably try to show that now, so he smiled. "Will do. I wish we'd had a team of doctors when we were still at CTU."
Michelle chuckled. "What other industry lets you get shot then go back to work like it's nothing?" It spoke wonders of how far they had both come that she could make light of such a terrible day for them.
He and Neil both laughed at that. It seemed to resolve most of the tension that had been there before. Still, Tony reminded himself that the only reason they could even joke about CTU like it was a thing of the past was that Neil had saved them. If they hadn't heard that phone call — or worse, ignored it — they wouldn't be here. It made him hyperaware of all the things around him to be grateful for, from little things like the peacefulness of the beach and the feeling of ease in his body he hadn't felt in decades, all the way to the big things, like he, Michelle, and their child being safe and sound, and having good reason to believe it would stay that way. Neil was to thank for all of it.
Michelle decided to get her book from the house, trailed by one of Neil's guards after declining both his and Neil's offer to get it for her, leaving the two of them alone. Tony would later realise this had been intentional, to give them a moment to talk. There was silence at first, not awkward, just peaceful, as they looked out at the waves ahead. Home became less and less appealing by the second. Although he could go to any beach in California and try to replicate this experience, he could never achieve this sense of comfort and detachment from his worries here. No matter where he went in Los Angeles, the country, or, frankly, the world, trouble could always follow them. Tony had never been able to drop his guard on any vacation he had ever taken, be it to visit his family for the holidays or a quick weekend getaway with Michelle when the country wasn't crashing and burning. But here, he could, and should, because Lord only knew how unhealthy it was to be on fight-or-flight twenty-four-seven.
"I'm sorry about how I was acting before," Tony decided to say.
Neil shook his head. "It's fine. I'm sorry if I was overstepping."
"You weren't, really. It's just me."
"You can tell me if I am," Neil said assuredly. "But I promise I'm not out to steal your girl."
Tony laughed through his nose.
"I'm glad you two got back together," he went on. "She missed you so much."
There was something very sweet about how he spoke of their relationship. It did give more credibility to his belief that he still had feelings for Michelle and that it had been more than a casual relationship for him, but Tony (mostly) no longer saw this as a threat.
"I'm glad we got back together, as well. I have to admit... what you said to me that day was a part of that. Definitely put things into perspective."
Neil smiled a little.
"And we're grateful for what you've done for us."
"It's no trouble. I'm glad the timing meant I could take you both with me."
Something in Neil's expression faltered then, just slightly. Neil wasn't particularly emotive, but Tony could still read people well enough to notice a minor detail like this. Tony reminded himself why Neil was on the run in the first place. He held sympathy for him. Despite outwardly appearing tough and cold, perhaps enough to instil fear in some people, Tony didn't see that right now. There was a haunted look in Neil's eyes. Tony recalled from Neil's file that he had served time before, over twenty years ago. After so many years of freedom, to go back to prison, likely more secure than his first stint, had to be crushing. Given how vigilant Hanna had been with Neil's arrest, it made sense that it had taken what Tony estimated was at least a year to escape. In hindsight, he was glad that Michelle had expunged any records of association with terrorism from Neil's record. There was a difference between the type of imprisonment and treatment by fellow cellmates and guards for grand theft and smuggling versus treason. After all, he would know.
"I just want you to know that, uh, I might be a former Fed, but I'm not judging you for breaking out. Really, I'm not." Neil turned to look at him. "And whenever Michelle and I make our way back home, we'll make sure you stay out of it. We wouldn't do that to you after what you risked to get us."
"I appreciate that." He sighed. "I told myself I was never going back. When they put me in there, I just couldn't do it. I couldn’t do one more fucking minute. I don't blame you for not dealing with it well."
Tony was a little surprised that Neil was mentioning it, but it made sense that Michelle would have informed Neil of the nature of their divorce. The fact that Neil didn't say that last sentence stiffly or otherwise make a dig at how he had treated Michelle made Tony realise that even in their days apart, Michelle really hadn't stopped loving him, a thought that made his chest pang. However, that did make Tony aware that Neil might be watching him just as much as he was watching Neil.
"It doesn't justify how I treated Michelle, though."
"No, it doesn't," Neil agreed. "But I'm glad we have this understanding between us."
The sound of soft footsteps made them both turn and look at Michelle as she returned. She still seemed very happy that everything was going well for them. She was so beautiful when she was happy. Michelle also seemed aware that something in the air had shifted between him and Neil, which only made her smile broaden. After a while, they ended up in the water. Neil also got some fresh fruit and iced coffee (decaf for Michelle). They would probably have to allocate part of their grocery budget to getting Fijian coffee beans since the instant they usually drank would no longer cut it. Tony had never had such a carefree afternoon and would do anything to preserve it forever. The fact that they would be in Fiji indefinitely was becoming less of an issue. It wasn't even just that he was here with Michelle. Now that they had talked a little more, he realised Neil was just nice to be around. There was an unspoken sense of understanding and harmony between them.
They ended up walking back to the house after the sun started setting, another breathtaking sight. Only after that, when they were getting out of the shower, did Michelle make him realise that his growing fondness for Neil might not be as subtle as he thought.
"I saw you, you know," she said teasingly.
He furrowed his brow. "What are you talking about?"
"You were checking him out."
"I was not checking him out!-"
"There was a beautiful sunset beside us, and you spent the entire walk back looking at his ass."
He refused to admit it aloud, but it didn't matter because she knew the truth.
"It's okay that you find him attractive, Tony. I do have good taste."
"Yeah, that good taste is why you picked me, remember?" he retorted, making her snigger.
She came over to where he was getting dressed and placed her hands on his shoulders. "I have a secret that will make you very happy." Her voice lowered. "You know how… Detective Hanna seemed to really have it out for Neil?"
"It's because they slept together, and Neil used that to make his escape."
His eyebrows rose.
"Yep. Hanna had him right where he wanted him but dropped his guard, and then it took almost twenty years before he caught him again."
That certainly made Hanna's intensity and paranoia that Neil could disappear in a flash a little more logical. He would be pissed, too, if he had someone in his grasp but let them escape because he was too trusting. However, he was sure Michelle hadn't just told him that because she wanted him to think about Hanna.
"So, what are you trying to say... that Neil goes both ways, too?"
She hummed in assent, still maintaining her coy smile. If she was going to drop such scandalous information on him, he may as well do the same.
"I have a secret, too," he started, moving his hands to her waist. "That day at CTU? When I had to watch you two?… If I had a copy of that tape, I'd watch it again."
Michelle licked her lips. "Well, maybe we better make it even. You got to watch him do me… it would only be fair that I got to watch him do you."
While the teasing had been more than pleasant, to hear her actually suggest it made him blink a few times. "Wait- what?"
Michelle giggled. "I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it. And this time, the advantage would be that you get to see me react."
"You…" He reminded himself to breathe. "You're serious?"
She shrugged. "What's there to lose? If anything, I think it would just make sure Neil knows how much we appreciate him. We wouldn't want him to think otherwise, would we?"
To hell with it.
"I'll set it up, then," Tony offered.
Michelle's eyes darkened. "Take your time," she purred. "I'll be glad to occupy myself with the thought of it until you make it a reality."
Michelle still wasn't quite sure what had possessed her to suggest that to Tony. She rationed it as some combination of pregnancy hormones and being so damn happy and wanting to make the most of it. The latter would probably fade with time; reality would set in, and they would both start to miss their friends and family, as well as worry about the logistics if their son was born in Fiji and not the States. However, until she had absolute — absolute — certainty that every hostile and their accomplices were imprisoned or dead, she was going to enjoy herself. She had never had such a peaceful vacation with Tony. Every time they tried during their first marriage, if a call from Ryan or Jack didn't ruin everything, the anxiety of thinking about receiving said call did. But right now, she and Tony were safe because Neil was taking care of everything for them. Her worries about Tony and Neil not getting along had been resolved, too. Their living conditions were nothing to complain about, either. She kept having to pinch herself to check this wasn't all just one big dream.
When she walked into the bedroom to find Neil and Tony waiting for her, she was pretty tempted to try pinching herself again.
The lights were off, but there were a couple of candles lit. The occasional flicker of the flames almost made it feel like the sight before her was being viewed frame-by-frame, every flash giving her a new detail to focus on. Neil was lying on top of Tony, who was working to unbutton Neil's shirt, revealing slashes of his muscular back while Neil's hands gripped Tony's hips. They kissed each other desperately, their soft moans putting paid to any doubt that they were doing this for her and not their own pleasure, too. Of course, she knew this was coming, given that the last time she spoke to Tony, he told her to put something nice on with a look that meant he wasn't talking about a sundress. She wasn't even sure why she had the lace teddy; she was pretty sure she had only brought it because it had been on the bed, and she had been packing hastily. Neil had given her and Tony looks all through dinner. She couldn't even remember what they had eaten — only that it had been very nice.
Tony and Neil continued to go at it. She wasn't sure if they were aware of her presence, whether this was exhibitionism for her or whether that passion was just between them, making her the salacious voyeur. Either prospect brought a flush to her cheek. Michelle drummed her fingers against the doorjamb, noticing now that Neil was moving down Tony's body. Tony lowered his head to murmur something to him, and before she knew it, both of them were looking at her.
"If you want a better view… you can come closer, you know," Neil suggested, his voice somehow huskier than usual.
She sauntered over to the bed, lying down so she was parallel to Tony, whom she quickly pulled in for a kiss before looking back at Neil. "How's this?"
He hummed approvingly. "Much better."
While it had been enough of a sight from the entrance, watching them up close almost made her feel like she could imagine herself in Neil's or Tony's position. Neil stood straighter for a moment, pulling off his shirt before leaning down again to start grinding against Tony. She wished she had a clone of herself, if only to be able to look at each of them simultaneously. Neil was sucking at Tony's collarbone, muttering dirty talk under his breath that sent a chill down her spine, while Tony moaned in response. Tony was rolling his hips against him in return, his hands lowered to squeeze Neil's ass. They weren't even fully undressed yet, but Michelle's hand was already sliding down her stomach between her legs. She wanted to savour this, every touch, every taste, every little noise she could hear. So, she resisted the urge to give in to the arousal she was already feeling, focusing on watching them and only touching herself slowly to match their pace.
Tony's hand moved to join hers, but she swatted it away, giving him a smirk. "I want to watch," she emphasised.
While she would be more than happy for them to have at her later, right now, she wanted to explore this sensation. There was something so wonderfully erotic about it, two people she had been intimate with individually, who shared similarities, being intimate with each other. But it wasn't just about the physicalities, the sexual fantasy of it all; it was about the emotional intimacy, too. She cared deeply for both of them, recognised their vulnerabilities, and appreciated how these experiences they were sharing — not just this one, but all of the pleasantries outside the bedroom, too — were so special, so private for them. Just as they were hiding out in this slice of paradise away from the rest of the world, this moment was a delicious slice of pleasure away from their lingering troubles.
By now, both of them were rock-hard through their pants, so Neil decided to yank off his and Tony's, along with their boxers. Tony moved his legs a little further apart, starting to stroke himself. Neil, too, seemed to like being an observer because he decided to take a step back and enjoy the sight before him like she was. Tony had his head tipped back, more aroused by both of them looking at him. He had his eyes closed. They had barely gotten started, and yet, Michelle was certain she wouldn't take long to finish if she didn't slow down.
"Look at me," Neil said commandingly, making Tony open his eyes and curse under his breath, laughing a little.
Michelle wanted nothing more than to kiss that stupid grin off his face but opted to keep her position, just rolling onto her side and lifting her head. Neil grabbed some lube while she did so, pouring some into his hand and stroking himself. He paused and met Tony's eyes, who nodded eagerly; that pause was such a reminder of Neil's character. To the outsider, he was cold and aloof, and, from what she knew of his past, she understood why he didn't easily trust, so there was something that made her heart flutter to see the warmth in his demeanour, reminding her that she and Tony weren't just here because Neil had felt like taking them but because he wanted them here.
Tony let out all the air in his lungs as Neil slid into him, giving him time to adjust. One hand went to Neil's ass again, while the other came up to the back of his head, keeping Neil's face hovering over his. Neil slowly started to rock his pelvis, just lazily at first, emphasising that there was no reason to rush any of this. At this point, the fabric between her legs was damp, just from enjoying what she was seeing, still resisting the urge — albeit with much more difficulty — to get herself into a frenzy. Concentration grew on Neil's face as he adjusted to get the right angle, the right timing, the right everything. She had always greatly appreciated his attention to detail, and judging by Tony's reaction, he did, too. Although Tony and Neil seemed particularly focused on each other, every now and then, one of them would look at her. Eye contact was always such an intimate part of sex that she enjoyed; it made it more than just going through the motions, instead, a beautiful expression of love and lust. However, the juxtaposition of Neil's penetrating gaze and Tony's pupils dilated with vulnerability started to shake her intention of just watching.
No, now she wanted to be part of it, wanted them to know just how much it was turning her on to see them.
So, with a little more pressure than before, she pushed against her clit, letting out an exaggerated mewl. Initially, it made them both still, to which she shook her head. "Keep going," she panted, and they did, now with more glances her way.
She was playing the vixen, she knew, trying to distract them by reminding them of her presence, hoping it would only make them more eager to devour her after. It became like a call-and-response: she would moan a little louder, and they would move a little faster, a little more intensely, a little more vocally. When Tony shifted so his legs were higher, allowing Neil to thrust deeper inside him, the process started to occur in reverse: as they got closer to finishing, so did she. It was as though they were competing to take the lead, whose pleasure would increase whose, who got to decide how this went. Michelle did her best, but after being patient throughout this whole process, instinct took over, and she started moving her hand faster and more intently, slipping it beneath the elastic of her bodysuit. She ended up closing her eyes, just getting off on the sounds of skin slapping against skin and increasingly breathy moaning. Tony came panting Neil's name like it was a prayer. Her eyes opened briefly to see Neil's head against Tony's chest as he groaned through his own undoing, riding out the last of the wave. Tony sat up and used his hand on Neil's neck as leverage to get their lips to meet messily.
Michelle's focus returned to her own pleasure, but she was startled by the feeling of someone trapping her hand in place. When her eyes opened, she barely stopped herself from whining as Neil echoed his words from before, asking her to look at him as he hovered over her. Combined with the sight of Tony licking his lips, the sated, euphoric look he had had seconds ago now secondary to his desire to look at her about to unravel, it was practically karma, in the best way. They had made it a show for her, so she did her best to reciprocate — although with how close she was, her legs trembling, her clit pulsing, her heart racing, she didn't need to try — her own yearning making it less of an intentional act of exhibitionism, rather a raw display of arousal. Her back arched against the bed while her eyes squeezed shut as she came with a loud cry.
It took her a moment to remember how to breathe, but when she finally opened her eyes, Tony and Neil only looked at her with more hunger. In just the change of position and transition from focusing on one act to another, she had gone from feeling like the huntress to the hunted.
"You liked that?" Neil murmured, with just a hint of a demeaning tone that made her blush. He then looked at Tony, who leaned in to whisper something in his ear, making Neil chuckle.
After Tony moved back, he smirked. "You think we've kept her waiting long enough?"
"Yeah," he agreed, his eyes roaming her body in a way that made her shiver. "I think we have."
Everything happened so quickly; she couldn't even tell who was where. Judging by the feeling of stubble scraping against her skin, Neil was kissing her neck, carefully peeling off the straps, while Tony pulled the rest of the bodysuit down, stopping only to press a kiss to her belly on the way. One of her hands came to the nape of Neil's neck, while the other laced through Tony's hair as he sucked at the insides of her thighs. Michelle was reminded of how good Neil was with his hands when she felt him greedily start to knead her breasts, his head dipping to lick the nipple of the breast closest to him. Meanwhile, Tony took his time to lap at her sex with long strokes of his tongue, commenting on how wet she already was under his breath. They were both very focused on the task at hand in a purposeful way. No part of her body was left behind, their hands caressing what their mouths couldn't get to.
When Tony started to push his tongue inside her, she let out a surprised moan, pulling on his hair. Neil shifted so he could suck at her other nipple while she dug her nails into his back. Michelle was pretty sure she would have a headache after this from how often she kept looking between them, so appreciative and aroused by the way they were pleasuring her. There was nothing hasty about Tony's tongue as it swirled around her entrance, flicking her clit often enough to make it throb without being too eager to give her release just yet. No, just as they had taken their time with each other, they were determined to make this moment with her last. Neil's lips trailed up her neck and along her jaw before meeting her own. She kissed him back, cupping one of his cheeks with her hand as their tongues slowly started to explore each other's mouths.
Neil then looked down to where Tony was, running a hand through his hair while she continued to tug insistently. "So he's good at this, is he?"
She nodded, smiling a little giddily as Tony had before. "Maybe later, you can see how it feels, too," she offered.
Tony seemed to react to the two of them talking about him, now working even harder to justify Neil's claim by incorporating his fingers with his mouth. His thumb made quick, tight circles of her clit which contrasted the very gradual movements of his tongue as he tasted her. Neil asked her to sit and shuffle further down the bed so he could move behind her. He slid his hands under her arms so he could flick both nipples at the same time. Then, as she leaned back, Neil's lips came to the junction of her neck and shoulder. At this angle, she could not only continue keeping her hand on Tony's head, but now she could use the other to keep Neil's head where it was, too. She knew she was close, judging by the way her legs trembled like they had before. From what she could see, Neil had also left little marks on her chest from the movement of his mouth, just as Tony had left them on her inner thighs, which made her only feel more aroused, knowing that she would have reminders of this on her skin for a while.
Unlike before, when her orgasm had crescendoed into a fervid and rapid display, this time, it felt more mutual, like they were coaxing her along at a lusciously languid pace. Despite the passion of their movements, Michelle also recognised their tenderness, from how Neil kept tucking her sweaty locks of hair behind her ear to how Tony's hands gently traced down the curve of her hips. She pumped her hips slowly but intensely, and even as the feeling of fulfilment came over, neither Neil nor Tony rushed to change position. Tony cleaned her up with his tongue before coming up to let her taste herself. She then pressed her lips to Neil's. They both looked at her so lovingly that it made her smile, not just because of her satisfaction but also her appreciation for both of them.
And the thought that this would not just be a one-night occurrence only made her smile widen.
Two weeks had passed since that midnight wake-up call. With further assurance that they were safely hidden, Michelle and Tony managed to contact Chloe again, confirming that she, Palmer, and Jack were okay and informing her that they were, too. They had been right to assume that the attack on their lives was not trivial; a widespread conspiracy involving high-ranking government officials, right up to President Logan himself, had been exposed. Everything was a mess. Nobody could trust anybody. A thankfully unsuccessful nerve gas attack on CTU had forced Homeland Security to seize control. Bill was still running things and holding onto as much authority as he could, but it was safe to say they wouldn't know exactly who all the perpetrators were for a while. It was best they stayed in hiding. Chloe was happy to keep up their cover, which they were also using for Rick Rosen and their other clients: a vague family emergency overseas. Usually, when people heard the words 'family emergency', they didn't pry too much and tended to respect people's privacy. Chloe also offered to fabricate some files that would, at a glance, support their story to anybody — likely Bill — who happened to try to check.
Things couldn't be better for them. The obstetrician Neil had brought in was apparently one of the best doctors in not just Auckland but all of New Zealand. Neil must be paying her very generously because she expressed that she was happy to come past as often as she and Tony liked and, if they were still here by that point, to ensure a safe and pleasant birth. And, well, their little ménage à trois was going nicely, too. Between the large house and the beach, they could have their own space when needed, the three of them generally being introverted enough that it didn't feel strange to indulge in some alone time. When they were together, however, it made her heart swell with happiness. Neil and Tony both cared so much for her, and she, them. She recognised that what they had was special and was so thankful for it. Michelle was quite sure she had never smiled so much or seen Tony and Neil smile so much as she had since they arrived in Fiji.
Today, however, was particularly exciting. She knew Neil had a tendency to plan ahead, so it was no surprise that even with the difficulty of his escape from prison, he had still managed to ensure he was in Fiji in time for the bioluminescent algae. She still remembered the look in his eyes when he had spoken to her about them back on her balcony all that time ago, the reverence in his voice indicating that it was something he wanted from the depths of his soul. He couldn't stop grinning, taking little looks out the window like a kid does when waiting for Santa. It had taken a long time for him to get here. He had been through so much, so Michelle understood that it wasn't just about the algae: it was about the peace, the feeling of doing something just for himself because he wanted it, without a care in the world. It wouldn't have been the same if he had simply decided to stop by Fiji on a business trip, see the algae, and split. The timing had to be right.
When the sun started to set, they made their way down to the beach. It was a good thing Neil had gotten a place so far away from the more populated parts of the island because if she looked down the coast, even at this distance, she could see crowds of people gathered. Streetlights and whatnot had been turned off to ensure the algae were visible. And when the glow started, it put every Fourth of July fireworks show she had ever seen to shame, perhaps because this wasn't a bundle of firecrackers crafted by man; rather, a beautiful feat of nature. The increase in light was gradual. At first, there were only a few cyan specks here and there. But within minutes, they multiplied, resembling the infinite sky of stars above them. It indeed reminded her of a city skyline at night, but without the sound of honking horns and screeching tyres or the smell of exhaust fumes, it was much more charming. They took a few photos but didn't get too distracted, wanting to preserve the memory with their own eyes.
"I can't believe how many years I've been dreaming about this, but now…" Neil sighed wistfully. "I'm here."
He seemed very emotional, so she took his hand and squeezed it, making him smile.
"It's pretty amazing," Tony agreed. "Even if I saw this once a year, every year, for the rest of my life, I still think I'd appreciate it."
As he said that, an idea came to Michelle, one that she was pretty sure the others would like, too.
"Maybe we can."
They both looked at her.
"We know that one day we're going to have to go back to the US, but that doesn't mean we can't take a little vacation to Fiji every now and then. We'd time it with the algae, say a friend told us about it, and nobody would ever wonder why we love Fiji so much." She met Neil's eyes as she said that last part, and he seemed very honoured by how she spoke of him. "Of course, we would still be careful. We wouldn't risk anything for you or for us. But what do you think?"
"No complaints from me," Tony said.
Neil nodded. "I think it's perfect."
It was nice to have plans for the future, but right now, Michelle wanted to celebrate every aspect of the present. Judging by the way Tony's hand came to her lower back while Neil's hand held hers, she was sure they did, too.